Dragon Triangle (Devil Sea)

Dragon Triangle (Devil Sea)

The Bermuda Triangle is a location off the coast of Florida where certain unsolved ship and plane disappearances occur often. Did you realize that Asia has regions similar to the Bermuda Triangle?The area is known as "Dragon's Triangle," as well as Devil's Sea, Formosa Triangle, the Pacific Bermuda Triangle, and other names. This location is in the Pacific Ocean south of Tokyo. (Ma no umi) means "sea of evil" in Japanese.

The Dragon's Triangle, like the Bermuda Triangle, features an unsolved plane. In addition to shipwrecks, unexpected storms and tsunamis There are tales that frequently occur, and legends that frequently see immense evil under the river, and it was full of weird wonders.

Historically, when Kublai Khan's Mongol troops attacked Japan in the years 1274 and 1281, the Dragon's Triangle was suddenly hit by a violent storm and storm, destroying the invasion preparations.

According to current research, Kublai Khan's army ran against a storm from the Philippines. However, for these reasons, the Japanese regard storms and waves to be the gods' comfort blankets. They also grew to think that they were the protectors of the divine dragons.

Furthermore, the Japanese have a castle where dragons reside and play. It is considered that such disappearances occur when there is a period of rage or another difficulty. The loss of the Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighter jet in (1945) and the disappearance of the survey ship Kaio Maru No.5 and its crew (31) in (1945) are two examples of disappearances (1952).

The last thing the pilot mentioned before losing communication with the missing Mitsubishi A6M Zero jet was that there was something in the sky. The sky is said to be open. In addition, the Japanese lost numerous fishing vessels about 1952, including the Kaio Maru No. 5 near Bonin Island. Sent to do ship study. However, the ship that was dispatched to study was lost once more.

The ship was later discovered, but the crew (31) vanished without a trace. Since then, the Japanese government has labeled the area as a risky passage for cargo ships and ocean liners, and has been closely monitoring the weather conditions.

According to some experts, there are underwater volcanoes in the triangle area, and the temperature of these volcanoes has been linked to shipwrecks. It is also said that the heat leads people to perceive objects that are not actually present. There are other those who have shown that the mysteries that occurred here are simply regular situations. However, some individuals think that supernatural phenomena continue to occur in this location.


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