Crab with long feathers - Yeti Crab

 Crab with long feathers - Yeti Crab

Yeti Crabs have a number. They are a crustacean species belonging to the Decapods Genus, which includes lobster shells, and they reside in areas where mineral salt water frequently emerges from the seafloor. They are scientifically known as Kiwa, however they have been nicknamed Yeti Crab, Yeti Lobster, and Furry Lobster. The change in name is due to the fur on their bodies, which gives them a puffy look in the water.

Today, there are more than four species of yeti crabs, each of which may be found in different places of the world. They live in the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge, the East Pacific, the East Scotia Ridge, and the Australian-Antarctic Ridge, in that order.

That is why all of those species have varied water conditions. Because they must survive at varied temperatures, there are some form variances across species.

Yeti crabs can only reach a maximum size of 15 cm and are carnivorous, as are the bacteria that develop on their body. Insects are mostly consumed. Furthermore, their feathers serve as sensing organs for seeking food and mates.

Because they are deep-sea organisms, not much is known about them. It is argued that some criteria, such as the quantity of animals, cannot be known with certainty. However, their typical lifetime is only 10 to 20 years.

Kiwa hirsuta crabs were found in 2005 and are the longest-haired yeti crab species. Kiwa puravida was identified in 2006, followed by Kiwa tyleri and Kiwa araonae in 2010 and 2011. (2013). In addition, new types are being identified.


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