How To Pronounce Korean Alphabets

How To Pronounce Korean Alphabets

Have a great day everyone.

One of the things I want to talk about today is how to pronounce Korean consonants.

There are three basic types of Korean. These are ...

  1. Consonants
  2. Vowels
  3. Final Consonants

Today I'm going to talk about Consonants # 1.

There are 19 consonants in Korean. These 19 consonants can be divided into two parts.

1. Original Consonants

2. Double Consonants

There are a total of 14 original consonants. Double Consonants has a total of five.

Here are some of them:

Original Consonants

  • Ga - ㄱ
  • Na - ㄴ
  • Da - ㄷ
  • Ra/La - ㄹ
  • Ma - ㅁ
  • Ba - ㅂ
  • Sa - ㅅ
  • Ah - ㅇ
  • Ja - ㅈ
  • Cha - ㅊ
  • Kha - ㅋ
  • Hta - ㅌ
  • Pha - ㅍ
  • Ha - ㅎ
Double Consonants

  • Ka - ㄲ
  • Ta/Tha -ㄸ
  • Pa - ㅃ
  • Ssa - ㅆ
  • Kya - ㅉ

If you want to watch the video, you can watch the Youtube video below.

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